Ravishankar Guruji Bhajans Mp3 Free Download

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Q: Why are we losing our freedom and lightness as soon as a relationship goes deeper?
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  2. Hari Om Sharan Bhajans Mp3 Free Download

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Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

You don’t need to. A relationship should come from a space of contributing, not demanding, then it will be nurturing. In every relationship, if we think, “What can I take from this person, or get from this person” then it’s going to be very disturbing. But when you come from the attitude that, “I am going to be a part of this person, give whatever I can, and contribute whatever I can, to this person’s life”, then it lasts longer.

Q: How do I deal with the rebelliousness of my kids?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Negative suggestions call for rebelliousness in the mind. If you say, “Don't do it”, then the mind says, “Why? Let me do it!” The mind calls for rebelliousness. But if you say, “You can do it, only you won't get the results”, then you don't leave a chance for the mind to be rebellious, then it takes the knowledge in. I remember one dentist would tell kids who would ask ‘Why should I brush my teeth’, he would say, “No, you don't need to brush the teeth that you don't want, you only brush the teeth that you want to keep!” So, move from negative suggestions to positive ones, this is important. When there is strong bonding, then negative or positive suggestions don’t matter. It’s only when the bonding is not very strong that negative suggestions call for rebelliousness in the mind.

Guruji Songs

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

It could be, or it could also be biological. My advice would be to get out of labelling yourself based on some tendency of the body. Know that you are consciousness, you are love, you are scintillating energy. Your identification as energy, as love and as a beautiful person is far better than identifying yourself with the physical tendencies that may arise in you. The spirit has no gender, it is beyond gender. The spirit is love, and that is what you are. When you know this, you become very solid.

Q: I have come to know that sex is not good. How do I get over my desire to have sex?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Why do you think sex is negative? Through sex alone everybody has come to this earth., In the past people have been made to believe “Sex is the original sin”. Sex is not a sin, it is a basic function. Any plant, human, animal, everything comes out of it, and it is okay in moderation. Nothing should be done in extremes. All that we need to know is that there is a difference between bliss and sex. Sex is energy draining and bliss is energy conserving. One is energy consuming, the other is energy conserving. That is the thing.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Best not to try to build a relationship, just be yourself; be natural and be simple and a relationship will develop naturally.If you try to build a relationship, that is when you become a little artificial. Then your behavior becomes artificial, not natural. Just imagine someone is trying to impress you, don’t you notice that? If someone is trying to impress you, what do you do? You move away. What you like, that is what others like as well. You like someone to be very honest, open, natural, unassuming with you, correct? That is exactly what the other also wants from you. Don’t try hard to impress your girlfriend or boyfriend. Best is to be yourself, be forgiving and be in the present moment.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

If there is wisdom in relationships, it does not take away freedom. If there is no wisdom, then there is no freedom. It is not the relationship that gives or takes away your freedom, it is lack of wisdom.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Just wait, don’t react, the bitterness will turn back into love again. You often see that the people for whom you have done so much turn bitter, and you cannot handle it. This is because you expect everyone to be in an enlightened state, and that is not possible. Everyone is not just going to be as accepting as you are, or be in an unconditionally giving and loving space. That is not possible. You will have to face reactions, and you should face it, that is all.

Q: Is there true love in this world? Most of the times love seems to be conditional, or out of convenience.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Do you love others unconditionally? Ask yourself this! Do not judge other people’s love for you. Suppose you find that someone’s love for you is conditional, don’t ask them, “Do you really love me? How much do you love me? Will you continue to love me all your life?” Don’t ask these silly questions. Take it for granted that the other person loves you. If you find that their love is a little less, ask them, “Why do you love me so much?” instead of saying 'You don’t love me'. Demand destroys love, so you should not demand love. Whether it is father-son, mother-daughter, husband-wife, wherever the demand comes, love starts reducing. So from your side, you be unconditional to your partner or your parents and say, “I am here for you. What is it that you want, I am here”.

Q: Is it okay to see someone's beauty? Is it not lust to look at someone's beauty?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

If you see some beauty and you want to possess it, then it is lust. You see beautiful things in the world, and every beautiful thing should remind you of the divinity. Then the beauty itself becomes a prayer. A great saint from India wrote some beautiful verses in Sanskrit called Soundarya Lahari. In that he says thateverything he sees reminds him of the Divine. The waves of beauty, it all reminds him of the divinity.

Q: How to keep on loving without expecting. How is it possible? In love expectations arise, and if not fulfilled, it hurts.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

Yes, you will have to go through these gymnastics. If you have wisdom, you don’t have to go through the pain to learn. When there is lack of wisdom, you go through pain, but you will come out of it in sometime, don’t worry. This is why it is important for one to have a larger context to life. When you have a larger context, all these trivial things don’t really bother you. They are all like waves on the surface of the ocean, they rise and fall. So, have a bigger context to life; that is the knowledge of the self. When you go deeper into the self, you realize that nothing can shake you because you are much bigger than your emotions, your situations and the people around you. Their praise and their blame don’t matter because you are much bigger than all this! Self knowledge uplifts you. With self knowledge you do not drown in the ocean of emotions and hurt.

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