Form Data Karyawan

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Terkadang kita merasa jenuh mengisi table di excel, untuk membuang kejenuhan mengisi data saya coba iseng iseng membuat form sederhana untuk sekedar membuang kejenuhan.

I Hope my question is not wrong(not easy for you). to the point..
I have form with validation (check to database MySQL). like this

this code is work with appear messages 'ERROR : No KTP sudah ada di data karyawan.!!!' but the form input will be reset. so I must input this form again.
How to still appear the messages but the field not reset ?

thanks before for your time


3 Answers

This happens because of the redirect. Basically, it reloads the page. What you can do, is after the form is validated, place the inputed values in session variables. If the form is validated correctly and no errors appear, then unset the session variables, else, redirect and on the view page, by default, in each input, place what you have in the session var. kind of like this:

Form Data Karyawan

echo '<input type='text' name='some_name' value='.(isset($_SESSION['some_name']) ? $_SESSION['some_name'] : ').' />

Hope it helps!
Keep on coding

Ares DragunaAres Draguna
Prashant TapasePrashant Tapase

Maybe the best solution is load the view which contains the form and passing all the post array to reload inputs.

And then, again in the form view, load inputs calling:

Spu2-x 2.0.0 download. (Age of Empires 2) • Windows:SPU2-X: Improved DMA system • Windows:SPU2-X: Fixes to reverb • Windows:SPU2-X: Improved time-stretcher recovery on extreme speed changes. (Ace Combat, Forbidden Siren and others) • Windows:Core: VIF Unpack optimizations • Windows:Core: Windows:Core: VU Delays added to fix the graphics of Snowblind engine games (Champions of Norrath, Baldurs Gate 2) • Windows:Core: Various other game specific fixes in GameDB • Windows:Core: NVM file creation (if one doesn't exist) now fills in iLink ident. Latencies with this mode are lower than other modules • Windows:GSdx: Improved adapter selection for detecting of videocards • Windows:GSdx: CLUT (Color LookUp Table) fixes for games such as Disney Golf • Windows:GSdx: Texture Offset options added to help improve upscaling artifacts • Windows:GSdx: OpenGL mode added (Experimental currently) • Windows:GSdx: Various CRC hacks • Windows:GSdx: Hack for NVIDIA cards, solves problems with stretching on drivers above 320.18 • Windows:GSdx: New shader resources! • Windows:SPU2-X: Portaudio (providing WASAPI in Windows, ALSA/+OSS in Linux) now supported and the default output module.


Hope this helps.

EDIT 1: My fail naming $form_contents in view and controller. Previously was wrong, now is ok.

Jv NihilistikJv Nihilistik

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged phpformscodeigniter or ask your own question.

I Hope my question is not wrong(not easy for you). to the point..
I have form with validation (check to database MySQL). like this

this code is work with appear messages 'ERROR : No KTP sudah ada di data karyawan.!!!' but the form input will be reset. so I must input this form again.
How to still appear the messages but the field not reset ?

thanks before for your time

Unit can be flash updated with a standard Windows® PC. Memory / Battery backup for off-car review and analysis. Comes with access to Innova 3100e firmware update. Manuals and Software; F.A.Q.s Support Request. Where can I find the model Number. Please Select Category, Digital Multimeters, Electrical Testers. INNOVA tools owners should plug in their tool regularly to ensure they are not missing out on important quarterly updates and upgrades. If you never have.


3 Answers

Form Data Karyawan.doc

This happens because of the redirect. Basically, it reloads the page. What you can do, is after the form is validated, place the inputed values in session variables. If the form is validated correctly and no errors appear, then unset the session variables, else, redirect and on the view page, by default, in each input, place what you have in the session var. kind of like this:

echo '<input type='text' name='some_name' value='.(isset($_SESSION['some_name']) ? $_SESSION['some_name'] : ').' />

Install canon lbp 2900 printer drivers. Canon did not include a printer driver for platform Linux/Ubuntu on every product we buy, and this is a problem for linux users who use acanon printer. But very unfortunately canon only provide printer driver for platform Windows and Machintosh.

Hope it helps!
Keep on coding

Ares DragunaAres Draguna
Prashant TapasePrashant Tapase

Maybe the best solution is load the view which contains the form and passing all the post array to reload inputs.

And then, again in the form view, load inputs calling:

Hope this helps.

Form Aplikasi Karyawan Baru

EDIT 1: My fail naming $form_contents in view and controller. Previously was wrong, now is ok.

Form Data Karyawan Bpjs

Jv NihilistikJv Nihilistik

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged phpformscodeigniter or ask your own question.