Heidenhain Pc Software

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Heidenhain Pc Software 9,9/10 7968 reviews

Used in conjunction with HEIDENHAIN's PWM 20 diagnostic tool, the new ATS (Adjustment and Testing Software) software provides a powerful and easy-to-use platform to diagnose encoder faults and to evaluate the output signals of HEIDENHAIN.

Hello all,
Well, no advise needed (for the moment ) with programming but with transferring programs to machine. I have two machines wihch both have Heidenhain controll. THe newer is with TNC426 and there I use TNCRemoNt and ethernet and it works well.
But. the older with TNC355.. For many years I have used an old laptop and a program called Mikron Data Transfer MDT.exe) to transfer programs
in and out. If the program was over 999 blocks, I could transfer it blocwise. Pc software
Before I buyed that laptop, I tried at least five different desktops with different setting and could not get them to 'cooperate' with TNC355.
Heidenhain itnc 530 pc software downloadNow, the poor laptop is dead and I´ve bought a 200Mhz desktop-computer,which I have connected to that computer which I use to make programs with (Would LAN describe that?)
Now, the problem is that I cannot get the connection between TNC355 and that 200Mhz computer to work, not using MDT.exe or not with TNCRemoNT either (No,the cable is not the problem). I have tried every possible setting I could figure out but Software
The funny ( ) part comes here:
A fellow from Heidenhain Finland (I´m a Finn ) was here with his laptop and with his laptop the connection worked with no problems with both software, MDT and TNCRemoNT. We configured my desktop to use exactly same settings than his laptop and it did dot work!
The question is: What difference and where could cauce this? Would it be some setting somewhere, or could it be some difference with the way the COM-ports are constructed/configured?
I know I could buy anothr laptop and get that networked with my other computers or just use a linking cable between that 200Mhz and laptop,
but I feel that it would be more comfortable to use that desktop.( I´ve bought a sealed 'cabinet' to protect that desktop agenst dust, so I wouldn´t want to use it jus for a laptop, it woul be halfempty that way )
Osmo P
a Finn
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Complete Heidenhain CNC support with Predator Virtual CNC Software

Predator Virtual CNC provides complete conversational based 3D CNC verification and machine simulation support for all Heidenhain CNC models. Within Predator Virtual CNC maximize the performance and capabilities of each Heidenhain CNC model and insure that the proper part gets machined each time.

Predator Virtual CNC includes support for all major Heidenhain conversational and M-codes standard. Not all Heidenhain functions are available for all Heidenhain models and M-codes will vary with each machine builder. Support for specific Heidenhain Conversational functions and M-codes can be adjusted within every Predator Reverse Post Processor.

Heidenhain Itnc 530 Pc-software

Heidenhain Conversational support

Predator Virtual CNC includes support for the following Heidenhain functions:

CALL LBLSub Program Call
CALL PGMExternal Sub Program Call
CCCircular Center
CCCircular Polar
CTPCircular Polar
CYCL CALL POSCycle Call Position
CYCL DEF 1.0Peck Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 1.1Peck Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 1.2Peck Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 1.3Peck Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 1.4Peck Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 1.5Peck Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 2.0Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 2.1Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 2.2Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 2.3Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 2.4Drill Cycle
CYCL DEF 3.0Slot Cycle
CYCL DEF 3.1Slot Cycle
CYCL DEF 3.2Slot Cycle
CYCL DEF 3.3Slot Cycle
CYCL DEF 3.4Slot Cycle
CYCL DEF 3.5Slot Cycle
CYCL DEF 3.6Slot Cycle
CYCL DEF 4.0Rectangle Cycle
CYCL DEF 4.1Rectangle Cycle
CYCL DEF 4.2Rectangle Cycle
CYCL DEF 4.3Rectangle Cycle
CYCL DEF 4.4Rectangle Cycle
CYCL DEF 4.5Rectangle Cycle
CYCL DEF 4.6Rectangle Cycle
CYCL DEF 5.0Circular Pocket
CYCL DEF 5.1Circular Pocket
CYCL DEF 5.2Circular Pocket
CYCL DEF 5.3Circular Pocket
CYCL DEF 5.4Circular Pocket
CYCL DEF 5.5Circular Pocket
CYCL DEF 7.0Datum Shift
CYCL DEF 7.1Datum Shift
CYCL DEF 7.2Datum Shift
CYCL DEF 7.3Datum Shift
CYCL DEF 9.0Dwell
CYCL DEF 9.1Dwell
CYCL DEF 10.0Rotation
CYCL DEF 10.1Rotation
CYCL DEF 11.0Scaling
CYCL DEF 11.1Scaling
CYCL DEF 17.0Peck
CYCL DEF 17.1Peck
CYCL DEF 17.2Peck
CYCL DEF 17.3Peck
CYCL DEF 19.0Rotation
CYCL DEF 19.1Rotation
CYCL DEF 26.0Scaling
CYCL DEF 26.1Scaling
CYCL DEF 200Drill
CYCL DEF 201Ream
CYCL DEF 202Bore
CYCL DEF 203Drill
CYCL DEF 205Peck
CYCL DEF 208Bore
CYCL DEF 210Slot
CYCL DEF 211Circular Pocket
CYCL DEF 212Rectangle
CYCL DEF 213Stud Finish
CYCL DEF 214Circular Finish Pocket
CYCL DEF 215Circular Stud Finish
CYCL DEF 240Centering
CYCL DEF 247Work Coordinates
CYCL DEF 251Rectangle
CYCL DEF 252Circular Pocket
CYCL DEF 253Slot
CYCL DEF 254Circular Slot
DRCircular Sense
ENDProgram End
END PGMSub Program Return
FMAXMaximum Feed
FN 14Error
FN 18System Read
FN 26Open Table
FN 27Write Table
FN 28Read Table
FN 32Axis
LPLinear Polar
Q14th Axis
Q25th Axis
Q115Current X Axis
Q116Current Y Axis
Q117Current Z Axis
Q118Current 4th Axis
Q119Current 5th Axis
Q120Current 5th Axis
Q122Current 4th Axis
Q200Initial Z
Q202Peck Z
Q203Position Z
Q204Retract Z
Q205Minimum Plunge
Q206Plunge Feed
Q207Helical Feed
Q208Retract Feed
Q209Stepover Feed
Q210Top Dwell
Q211Bottom Dwell
Q212Decrement Feed
Q213Retract Breaks
Q214Disengage Direction
Q215Machine Operation
Q216X Position
Q217Y Position
Q218X Dimension
Q219Y Dimension
Q220Pocket Radius
Q221Y Allowance
Q223Pocket Diameter
Q225Start X
Q226Start Y
Q227Start Z
Q339Datum Setting
R0Cancel Cutter Compensation
RLLeft Cutter Compensation
RRRight Cutter Compensation
STOPOperation Stop
TOOL DEFDefine Tool

Heidenhain M-code support

Predator Virtual CNC includes support for the following Heidenhain M-codes: Fifa 14 button data setup.


M CodeDescription
M0Operation Stop
M1Program Stop
M2Program End
M3Spindle CW
M4Spindle CCW
M5Spindle Stop
M6Load Tool
M8Coolant On
M9Coolant Off
M13Spindle CW
M14Spindle CCW
M30Program End
M91Spindle CW
M99Sub Program Call
M126Enable Rotary
M127Disable Rotary
M128Enable Rotary Compensation
M129Disable Rotary Compensation

NOTE: Heidenhain M-codes are specific to the machine builder.

Heidenhain Math and Advanced support

Predator Virtual CNC includes support for the following Heidenhain functions:

SQRTSquare Root
OROr boolean
XORXor boolean
ANDAnd boolean
EQEqual condition
NENot Equal condition
GTGreater Than condition
LTLess Than condition
GEGreater than or Equal condition
LELess than or Equal condition
SINSine function
COSCosine function
TANTangent function
ATANArctangent function
ABSAbsolute function
ROUNDRound function
LNLog function
EXPExponent function
IFIF funtion
WH or WHILEWhile function
DODo loop function
ENDEnd loop function
GOTOGoto jump function
GOTOLBLGoto label function

NOTE: Advanced Heidenhain functions may have to be purchased from Heidenhain or from the machine builder.