Cara Instal Ulang Notebook Asus Windows 7

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Cara Instal Ulang Notebook Asus Windows 7 9,6/10 1280 reviews

I bought a new ASUS X553M laptop with DOS pre-installed, I am trying to install windows 7 but getting error 'The BIOS in this system is not fully ACPI compliant. STOP : 0x000000A5'

Mar 23, 2017 - So i got this Asus laptop with the intention to play games, but it's not working. I have a stick with windows 7 on it and I can't open the startup, it says. I have nothing against endless but I reallllyy want to install League of. Jun 23, 2012 - Introduction The new Asus Zenbook UX32VD comes from the factory with a. Doing a fresh Windows 7 install on the iSSD will make the system. Asus VivoBook X202e Windows 8 touchscreen notebook review - Duration: 7:46. Liliputing 153,354 views.

Cara Instal Ulang Win 10

Please help.

Cara instal ulang notebook

1 Answer

I bought same laptop from & getting same issue but lucky resolved it as well. DO one thing go to BIOS by pressing F2 in BIOS there is am option of choosing windows by default its win 8.x just change it to win 7 then save changes & exit. Issue resolved install win 7 & enjoy.

Mohit SainiMohit Saini

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